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HTTP Status Codes

What is an HTTP status code?

HTTP status codes are a set of standardised codes that are returned by the Peddler API in response to a request. Depending on the response code, the client can determine the success or failure of the request. Peddler API uses the standard HTTP status codes.

Table of HTTP status codes
Status CodeResponseDescription
200OKThe request has succeeded.
400BAD_REQUESTThe request is invalid, contains missing/invalid parameters.
401UNAUTHORIZEDThe request is unauthorised with your current credentials/accessToken.
You are using an invalid or non-existent access token. Create a new one.
403FORBIDDENThe request is forbidden.
You do not have permission to access the requested resource. You do not have permission to access the endpoint
404NOT FOUNDThe requested resource (instance) is not found.
422UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITYThe request contains validation errors.
Details with the errors are available in the response body.
429TOO_MANY_REQUESTSYou have exceeded the rate limit, further requests should back off until the credit pool is replenished.
498TOKEN_EXPIREDThe accessToken has expired you should generate a new one.
500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORNo error code assigned, something went wrong, our team has been notified.
Something went wrong our team has been notified.

Most common codes experienced by clients

  • 200 : The request is successful.
  • 401 & 498: You need to renew or refresh your token.
  • 422: The parameters/json data contains validation errors

Rate limiting

Peddler API rate limits at 2000 requests per minute (this can be applied/omitted per client by special request to the Peddler team). Should you exceed this rate you will receive a 429 HTTP STATUS.

We recommend throttling your requests, or batching multiple deliveries for any particular store in one order depending on your volume. Once you receive a 429 response you must withold for at least 5 minutes.