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Customise package

In order to select different package types or custom rates, you can use the our GET /api/Orders/getDeliveryServiceTypes endpoint. This endpoint respondse with a JSON object two distinct properties

  • deliveryShippingTypes: array which defines the different package types and rates in the stores currency (commonly EUR) available to the respective store.
    • The deliveryShippingType ENUM property is set per deliveryLineItem and would imply the respective rate is utilised and the respective package size is adhered to. Should our fleet encounter a different size of package, a surcharge would be applied for the full amount.
  • deliveryContentsTypes: array which defines the contents of the package, the 4 common types are respectively:
    • FOOD
    • GOODS
    • BOOKS
    • The deliveryContentsType ENUM property is set per deliveryLineItem and would imply the respective line item is handled accordingly, for example for FOOD it would be shipped with cooling units, and for ALCOHOL a respective age check is conducted.

Should your package contain both ALCOHOL and FOOD, ALCOHOL should prevail.

Quering the /getDeliveryServiceTypes endpoint

"deliveryShippingTypes": [
"type": "PACKAGE",
"price": 7.99
"type": "LETTERBOX",
"price": 4.59
"type": "CUSTOM",
"price": 5,
"store": {
"id": "x7f9T2Nbpe",
"hl": "en",
"title": "Peddler Amsterdam Jeans Store",
"slug": "peddler-amsterdam-jeans-store",
"deliveryContentsTypes": [
"type": "FOOD",
"taxRate": 0.21
"type": "ALCOHOL",
"taxRate": 0.21
"type": "GOODS",
"taxRate": 0.21
"type": "BOOKS",
"taxRate": 0.21