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Cancel order

You may wish to cancel an order OR individual order line items. You can do so by utilising the order "id" from the order Instance created earlier and/or the respective line item id's if you wish to cancel these indidivually.

  • Orders and delivery items can be canceled if they have the order instance has the status CREATED, PAID, ACCEPTED
  • Any orders outside of this status can be cancelled by our customer services team [email protected]
  • You cancel an order through a POST request to{id}/cancelOrder where the id parameter corresponds to the order instance.
  • Should you omit the lineItemIds parameter in the body, all line items of the order are canceled.
  • Every line item CANCELED will get the status "CANCELED"
  • The endpoint responds with an 200 OK order instance
  • If the order is already being shipped or the status has changed the endpoint will return a 400 error

Example /cancelOrder request

const mockCancelation = {
lineItemIds: [
.post(`{id}/cancelOrder`) // endpoint
.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${access_token}`) // header
.end((err, res) => {
const error = res.error || err;
if (error) {
const orderInstance = res.body; // deliverLineItem instance!

Example /cancelOrder response

"id": "P06VS-53Dl",
"orderNumber": "1341902575",
"orderType": "DELIVERY_ORDER",
"deliveryLineItems: [
"id": "LSfSX5SiLsJ",
"status": "CANCELED",