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Query manifest

Upon creating a manifest here, you can query the entire manifest or particuler shipment(s) to get the status of the same. There are two ways to query the manifest:

  • Stringified JSON object - This is the RECOMMENDED method of querying the manifest.
  • Querystring array - This is the alternate method of querying the manifest.

Query request

In either of the ways, the query is made using the GET method. The query is made to the following endpoint:


Querying the manifest using stringified JSON object

The JSON.stringify method is the recommended method of querying the manifest. This method is used to query the manifest in a more readable format.

curl --location --globoff '[CARRIER_ID]/getShipmentStatuses?trackingNumbers=%5B%22PDXXXXXXXXX1%22%2C%22PDXXXXXXXXX2%22%2C%22PDXXXXBADXX3%22%5D' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer o1runbqmh4PzBTAaXJhkCstzT4ssSBpP'

Querying the manifest using Querystring array

The Array method is the alternate method of querying the manifest. This method is used to query the manifest in a more compact format.

curl --location --globoff '[CARRIER_ID]/getShipmentStatuses?trackingNumbers=PDXXXXXXXXX1&trackingNumbers=PDXXXXXXXXX2&trackingNumbers=PDXXXXXXXXX3' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer nFzmOyturnztDiQT1gpijrgYczz2mBNW'
Limit of tracking numbers

The maximum number of tracking numbers that can be queried at once is 100.


The CARRIER_ID is a unique identifier for your carrier account. It is provided to you by Peddler.

Query response

Inquiry number
  • The inquiryNumber is the unique identifier for the shipment. It is used to query the shipment status. In other words, it is the tracking request number for the shipment.

  • The events array contains the status of the shipment in chronological (ascending) order.

Response body
"inquiryNumber": "P123456789012345678",
"packages": [
"trackingNumber": "P123456789012345678",
"status": "DELIVERED",
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2023-07-10T20:00:00.000Z",
"consignee": {
"address": {
"location": {
"lat": 52.3798095,
"lng": 4.893396099999999
"name": "John Doe",
"house": "30",
"address1": "Haarlemmerstraat",
"city": "Amsterdam",
"state": "Noord Holland",
"postCode": "1013 ER",
"country": "NL",
"phone": "+31612345678",
"displayAddress": "Haarlemmerstraat 30, 1013 ER Amsterdam, Netherlands",
"previousAddress": "Haarlemmerstraat 30, 1013ER Amsterdam, NL"
"events": [
"status": "DELIVERED",
"details": {
"lang": {
"en": {
"headline": "Delivered",
"description": "Package delivered"
"nl": {
"headline": "Bezorgd",
"description": "Pakket bezorgd"
"courierName": "Charlie"
"ts": "2023-06-12T14:41:16.059Z",
"gps": {
"lat": 52.340996,
"lng": 4.8236524
"status": "OUT_FOR_DELIVERY",
"details": {
"lang": {
"en": {
"headline": "Out for delivery",
"description": "Package enroute to destination"
"nl": {
"headline": "Uit voor levering",
"description": "Pakket onderweg naar bestemming"
"courierName": "Charlie"
"ts": "2023-06-12T14:37:16.574Z",
"gps": {
"lat": 52.340996,
"lng": 4.8236524
"details": {
"lang": {
"en": {
"headline": "Shipment confirmed",
"description": "Shipment created by sender"
"nl": {
"headline": "Verzending bevestigd",
"description": "Verzending aangemaakt door afzender"
"ts": "2023-06-12T14:32:34.810Z"
404 Not Found

If the trackingNumber cannot be found, it will contain an error object. But the HTTP status code will be 200.

Not Found Response
"inquiryNumber": "P123456789012345670",
"packages": null,
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "NOT FOUND"
Description of statuses

The detailed explanation of the statuses can be found in the table in the next page.